Sunday 23 October 2011

The great birthday party!

Well we did it! Today was Tink's first birthday party... whewf! It was a doozie! We decided to lump in Halloween and make it fancy dress. Well what a turn out, 99.8% made an amazing effort on the costume front and the day went without a hitch! Batdad, Batmum and Batbaby are thoroughly exhausted! Scary costumes? Leia couldn't care less! My dad dressed up as the big bad wolf and she didn't bat an eyelid..

Who's afraid of the Big Bad (slightly camp) Wooluff?

There was dooking for apples, eyeball shy, pass the parcel (adult and child), donut limbo.. and tons of running about screaming and playing!

My nephew at his best!

I could have sworn I said no gifts to everyone but apparently that means bring one anyway! She got so many lovely things and some adorable clothes and a small fortune in money, she has more than me.....

The best cake!
The best she's behaved in months

That is it until she's 21.. no more parties, I've been far too lucky with her naming ceremony last year and then today that I don't want to push my luck (or my nerves!) Any parties in-between can be somewhere that has a party package and I don't get to feed and clean up for 100 people (20 of them babies and kiddies), Tuesday is her real birthday, a rather quiet affair I hope!

So to all a goodnight and goodnight to all!

Tuesday 18 October 2011

First time away!

Well I did it! I left Tink for the first time! I had a wee girly weekend away to Blackpool, and I didn't melt down in to tears... however I bet I bored the pants off of everyone talking about her all night every night. You know those massive dogs you can win on the Pleasure Beach? Leia's godmother won her a huuuuuuuge Doberman! Leia's response? she patted his leg and wandered off, I swear this girl is bomb proof!

BD (Big Dug) and Bruce had their own seats on the train!

I'm glad I'm home but now it's time to get a wriggle on with the 1st birthday party organsing. I can't believe it's been a year since my life was flipped upside down, spun around and shoogled about!

The just out the wrapper photo

Monday 3 October 2011

Well hello there!

The rarest photo of them all! 
I guess we should introduce ourselves... My name is Claire and I'm a ferretaholic *ahem* I'm a 30 something Scottish mum of 1 little girl called Leia aka Tink and 5 ferrets Stretch, Rascal, Flash, Rio and Baybee who are known as the Tartan Ferrets and of course the 6ft baby DaDa. I decided a blog would be an ideal place to brag, rant and mutter as the poor people on Facebook were probably sick of the sight of my posts and pictures of Leia's "amazing" feats. So batten down the hatches and hold on to your seat because the whirlwind is about to begin!